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ClearScore’s launch into Australia

ClearScore has over 12 million users globally in India, South Africa and the UK. We're now thrilled to be launching in Australia.

07 May 2020Stephen Smyth 1 min read
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More than half of Australian adults will take out some form of financial product this year. The other half probably should... but might not know where to start. There are always new and better deals out there that could save you money but choosing a new credit card, home loan or car loan can be uninteresting, complicated and difficult.

ClearScore was created back in 2015 to help everyone achieve greater financial wellbeing. We do this by trying to make finance easy to understand and giving you access to better deals that are quick, simple and easy to do.

This started with free credit reports and credit scores in the UK. We now have over 12 million users globally in India, South Africa and the UK. We have helped over 2 million people find better deals for their home loans, credit cards or personal loans. We also have coaching plans that millions of people have completed, to help them understand and feel more confident about the basics of finance, to checklists on how to get the best product for their situation.

I have been working to help ClearScore expand overseas for the last three years. I am incredibly excited to see ClearScore launch in Australia. Having lived here for the last six years, I see a huge number of opportunities for us to help provide Australian’s with clarity on understanding their finances and helping them get good deals on cards and loans.

ClearScore Australia will start with what has worked well: helping people understand credit by giving them free access to their credit report, credit score and financial education. We will also introduce them to lenders with great products; our marketplace is the way that users can save money and support our business (where we earn commissions).

Looking to the future we are excited to be part of the changes taking place in Australia financial services ranging from the challenges of the Royal Commission to new policies on Open Banking and Comprehensive Credit Reporting. At the heart of all this lies an opportunity to make finances simpler, easier and clearer for all Australians and we can’t wait to be a part of it.

Stephen Smyth Image

Written by Stephen Smyth

Head of International Expansion

Stephen Smyth has worked in financial services since 1999, specialising in consumer credit. He has worked in banks and consumer credit companies in the United Kingdom, France, Spain, India, South African and has lived in Australia since 2013. He believes that people around the world can benefit from services liked ClearScore to make finances clearer, easier to understand and to find better deals to save money.