Dark web monitoring. For free, forever.

Protect your identity and stolen passwords with ClearScore Protect.

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How dark web monitoring works

Data breaches are on the rise. Here's how dark web monitoring can help protect you.

20 October 2021Lucy Burgess 1 min read
How does dark web monitoring work? ClearScore Protect

Dark web monitoring. For free, forever.

Protect your identity and stolen passwords with ClearScore Protect.

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If a company gets hacked, your personal information could be leaked on the dark web without you knowing. If this happens, fraudsters can use this information to hack into your accounts, take out credit or buy goods in your name.

Dark web monitoring is a great way of protecting yourself against fraudsters because you get to see whether your data is out there for criminals to use.

ClearScore Protect is a free dark web monitoring service that scans the dark web for you every three months. We do this safely and securely, by partnering with cyber researchers who search the dark web for stolen data and save it into a secure database. We then search this secure database for our users' data, so that we can alert them.

Lucy Burgess Image

Written by Lucy Burgess

Global Content Manager

Lucy has a wealth of personal finance knowledge, and is one of our in-house experts.