Your credit score and report. For free, forever.

Join 20 million people on their journey to financial wellbeing

ClearScore is a credit broker not a lender

We’re the UK’s number 1 credit score and report app

Get your free credit score and report, updated weekly

When we say free, forever, we mean it. And because keeping up-to-date is so important, we’ll show you your new report updates every single week.

Improve your score with personalised tips

You’ll see clear, personalised insights about your credit score and tips on how to improve it. So you can have a better chance of getting better credit offers and saving money.

Discover offers for credit cards, loans, car finance and more

And the best part? They’re personalised to you. You can even see your approval chances before you apply.

See upcoming changes daily - before they are on your report

If you’ve opened a new account, or spent money on your credit card – you'll see it on your ClearScore account before you get your next report.

Based on estimated mobile usage data in 2023. Verify at

Make the most of your credit report

Keep on top of changes

You’ll be able to spot mistakes and fraud quickly and get it fixed to protect your credit score.

Get practical tips to increase your score

You’ll get personalised insights to help you improve your credit score.

Keep track of your payment history

On time, late or missed – your payment history is easy to understand.

See your accounts in one place

Get a summary of your borrowing

Short on time? See what you’re borrowing across credit cards, loans, and telecoms at a glance.

Monitor all of your accounts

For a more detailed look at your credit cards, loans, and telecoms, just click on the account you need to see your last balance, credit utilisation and more.

Get an overview of your payment history

You can monitor all of your payments across all of your accounts in one place.

Protect your credit score and identity

When you sign up you’ll automatically get access to Protect - a free identity monitoring report. We check for things like stolen passwords and let you know if we find anything. 

Or you can sign up for Protect Plus for round-the-clock identity protection and fraud defence.

Join 20 million people

Join the people who already trust ClearScore to help them improve their financial future.

Frequently asked questions