Ready to make your will online?
Redeem your offer now to save £25 on your will with Farewill - it only takes 15 minutes.
Why lockdown is a great time to make a will
We’ve partnered with Farewill, the award-winning will writing firm, to offer you an exclusive £25 discount.

Ready to make your will online?
Redeem your offer now to save £25 on your will with Farewill - it only takes 15 minutes.
If you’re spending more time at home at the moment, you might find yourself with some spare time on your hands. While making a will might not be at the top of your to-do list, you’ll thank yourself later for taking 15 minutes to get one sorted and give your family peace of mind.
We’ve partnered with Farewill, the award-winning will writing firm, to help you understand why a will is a must-have, and to offer you an exclusive £25 discount.
Redeem your offer now to save £25 on your will with Farewill.
Why do I need a will?
A will makes sure that your money and possessions are allocated the way you want them to be when you die. This is particularly important if your circumstances change, for example, if you split up with your partner or you enter into a civil partnership.
There are other reasons you should consider writing a will, including:
- If you have a partner but you’re not married or in a civil partnership, they won’t automatically inherit from you if you die. A will can make sure they inherit your possessions according to your wishes.
- You could avoid paying inheritance tax on your estate (or at least, reduce the amount you owe). It’s important to make a will if you’re worried about who will inherit your assets when you die and to make sure they get as much of what you leave to them as possible.
How old do I need to be to have a will?
A common misconception when it comes to will making is that you have to be old, or middle-aged at least.
As Farewill puts it, there is no ‘perfect’ age to make a will. While you generally need to be 18 to make a will, the best time is when you have something (or someone) worth protecting. This explains why the advice is usually to make a will when you hit certain milestones in life - for example, when you buy a home, get married or have children.
Yes, making a will doesn’t have to involve a trip to the solicitors - you can make one from the comfort of your living room.
Farewill’s online will writing service makes this quick and easy. In fact, you can complete your will in just 15 minutes on their website. Their solicitor-approved guide helps you through each step, and once you’ve finished, their team of experts will check it over to make sure your wishes are clearly laid out. If you want to know more about making a will from home, Farewill have written a handy guide to the process.
Contrary to what you might think, you don’t need a solicitor in order to make a will, it’s very simple to write one yourself online. Although, if you need specific estate planning advice or help with inheritance tax, it’s worth using a solicitor. Farewill are happy to answer your questions and provide a free quote over the phone - just give them a call on 020 8050 2686.
But how do I get someone to witness my will if I’m self-isolating?
To make a will legally binding, two witnesses need to watch you sign it. Unfortunately given the circumstances, the law in England and Wales says a will must be signed with wet ink, so this part can’t be done online.
There are ways to get around this though, and it shouldn’t put you off creating a will right now. You could ask your two witnesses (with recently sanitised hands) to watch through a closed window while you sign your will. Then, you can pass your will through your letterbox. You’ll need to watch them both add their details and signatures to your will through the window – ideally, they should use their own pens for this. They can then return the will to you through the letterbox.
Make your will today with this exclusive offer
We’ve partnered with Farewill to help make an important bit of admin cheaper and less time-consuming for you during what’s already a challenging time.
As a ClearScore user, we’re offering you £25 off a single or joint will when you make one online through them. This exclusive offer is only available until 31st May 2020, so start the process today and protect your family and their future during these uncertain times.
Redeem your offer now to save £25 on your will with Farewill.
Frankie takes the often confusing world of finance and makes it clear and simple, to help you get your money sorted.